Information Systems

Week start : 11/10/2010

Type of activity:

Using fantasy stocks

Summary of what was covered and/or what was learned:

We have been learning about business and the stock market, how different aspects control the change in the stocks, and when a good idea to invest is.  We have been using the fantasy stocks website bullbearings in order to test our 'skill' at the stock market.

Possible application(s) of what was learned:

Knowing the stock market is a very useful skill, as I can use it to invest in stocks in the future.

Possible area(s) of impact on career opportunities if any:

It doesn't really have an impact on my career opportunities, but it has a great impact on my financial future.  Knowing when to invest in a company is a good idea.

Other possible Development Activity(s) suggested by this activity:

I could use this activity to invest in the stock market in the future, and potentially earn a lot of money.