Computer Systems

Week start : 11/10/2010

Type of activity:

Fixing Xbox 360's

Summary of what was covered and/or what was learned:

This week we have learnt about the hardware in the Xbox 360, how the red ring of death occurs and how to fix it.  We even had a go at fixing four different xbox's.  Some groups had more success than others. >_>

Possible application(s) of what was learned:

I can use this knowledge to my advantage, as I have an Xbox, and they are very prone to getting the red ring of death.

Possible area(s) of impact on career opportunities if any:

This doesn't really have an impact on my career opportunities, not unless I want to fix Xboxs for a living.

Other possible Development Activity(s) suggested by this activity:

I can use this knowledge to fix my own Xbox, or a friends.